Urban Imprint public session for European universities to share good practice cases in sustainable urban and rural development

The Urban Imprint project will organise a public online session on May 8th 2024 at 10:00 AM (GMT+02:00) to share good practice cases carried out between European universities and territorial entities to address local challenges in urban and rural areas. 

Urban Imprint is an European project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme, that seeks to connect universities with public entities in order to address social challenges faced by urban and rural areas. 

The University of Granada (Spain) is in charge of managing this project, and several European universities are involved in it. Each partner is expected to present five case studies showcasing how universities collaborate and participate with public institutions to meet the challenges of municipalities in the framework of urban agendas.

This project signifies a great opportunity to share knowledge, effort and values to take the necessary steps to address challenges that concern citizenship.

Anyone interested in attending the meeting is welcomed. To join the online session, please fill in the following form: https://forms.gle/zSxpCFVRwwvL55z39

MEDIALAB UGR medialab@go.ugr.es

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Nuestra IA conecta a tu territorio con soluciones urbanas aplicadas exitosamente en otras agendas urbanas, ayudándote a resolver problemas locales de forma más inteligente y eficiente.

Promovemos la conexión de la Universidad con los retos del territorio a través de las agendas urbanas de la provincia de la mano de la Diputación de Granada.

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